Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Editing Struggles

     I've been editing my video for a while now, but I'm definitely moving pretty slow.  I'm editing on Premiere Pro because I realized I have it as a part of the Adobe package I already have, and figured it would be a pretty big step up from something like WeVideo.  The only thing is, I've only used Premiere a tiny bit, so trying to figure out how everything works is really time consuming.  I have to keep looking up videos and articles to figure out how to do things like change the font and zoom in.  It gets really frustrating because sometimes I'll watch a video or two and still not be able to do what I need to.  For example, my program won't let me change the font like all of the videos are telling me to.  I decided that I don't really need to mess with the text until the end of editing anyways, so I'm going to come back to this issue a little later. 
     This being said, I'm really happy with how my opening is turning out so far.  I edited a lot of the first half, which has shots of Miami and of Jackie walking up to David's office.  I'll most likely go back and tweak this first part after the office clips are all in, but I wanted to lay them all out first.  After I know how long the office conversation is, I can edit the first half to be longer or shorter depending on what I need.  Once I start putting in all of the office clips, I'm probably going to do be doing a lot of color correction since the lighting varied a lot throughout the clips.  All of the shots of David are slightly back-lit, but some are a little more than others, so I'm going to have to try and make them all match each other.  I haven't quite gotten there yet, so I'll update you guys when I do!

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